1998 Toyota 4RunnerLimited VIN JTSHN87R5W9011222 - Report Summary

Report ID 1185622 Internal Report Identification Number
Alternative Motive Power N/A Identifies any alternative or secondary fuel source that powers the vehicle
Basic Colour The body colour of the vehicle
Model Year 1998 The year the vehicle was manufactured
Make Toyota The manufacturer of the vehicle
Model 4RunnerLimited The model of vehicle as assigned by the manufacturer
Price US$ 5495 The current market price
Original State and Country CA The state and country where the vehicle (or kit) was registered
Vehicle Mileage 156991 mi The latest mileage value on odometer.
VIN JTSHN87R5W9011222 17 characters of the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
Error Code 1,7 1,7
Error Text 1 - Check Digit (9th position) does not calculate properly; 7 - Manufacturer is not registered with NHTSA for sale or importation in the U.S. for use on U.S roads; Please contact the manufacturer directly for more information
Complaints and Recalls for 1998 Toyota 4RUNNERLIMITED
Recalls are a well-established global practice; from time to time they are announced by almost all manufacturers of not only cars, but also any other industrial products. But since a car is considered a source of increased danger, it is recalls in the automotive industry that attract the most attention and cause the greatest resonance. Check if your car is covered by a recall campaign. Sometimes manufacturers will recall their cars because of substandard parts or workmanship and repair them for free, regardless of the warranty. This is called a recall campaign. More information on 1998 Toyota 4RUNNERLIMITED recalls can be found in this database. It may be useful to use online problems resource that shows automotive defect patterns, based on complaint data submitted by vehicle owners. The problems are organized into groups with data published by vehicle, component, and specific issue. See also an updated list of 1998 Toyota 4RUNNERLIMITED problems before buying a used car. In most cases, the recall is initiated by the manufacturer. But it also happens that it is forced to do so. The largest and most scandalous recall campaigns were those that were initiated by complaints and lawsuits from consumers through controlling state structures.

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